Lyrics Training

Lyrics Training is a learning language website and mobile app by playing music videos and filling in the lyrics of your favorite songs. Lyrics Training is a freemium web tool and mobile app. Although it also offers premium, both the website and mobile app are free to access. Lyrics Training provides two kinds of games, and we can also choose the level of the game, such as beginner, intermediate, advanced, and expert. The kinds of games are multiple-choice and karaoke. In the multiple-choice, you can choose whether the write or choice mode. In karaoke, you can just sing and read the lyrics. I like this app because it provides a lot of songs, and this is the first time I found an app like this. I think this app is also interesting to play when I am not doing anything. The feature that I like is the level of the game. While I am playing this game, I can choose the level that I want. I think this is great for the player, especially for the beginner. If that is the first time we play it, we can choose the beginner mode. Then, when we want to challenge ourselves, we can move to the higher level. That is amazing. Overall, there are no features that I do not like from this app.

I think Lyrics Training has a lot of advantages. This app can improve our vocabulary, pronunciation, writing, and listening skills. The games in this app can provide all of those skills that I have written before. In the multiple-choice game, you can improve vocabulary and listening skills because when you play this game, you will listen to the words, then you choose the right words. It can improve a lot of your vocabulary knowledge. In the write mode of multiple-choice, you can improve vocabulary, listening, and writing skills because when you play this game, you will listen to the words, then you write the right words. In the karaoke game, you can improve your pronunciation and listening skills because you must listen and sing the song with the right lyrics. This app is very helpful for me to improve those skills. However, when I finished playing the first game, I must wait for 30 minutes to play again the games. It is because I am a free user, and I think that is okay. In addition, I did not find any drawbacks from this app because I had so much fun while playing this app. I found a challenge when I played the game. I was confused when I play the write mode of the multiple-choice game, I did not know how to play it at first. Then, after I had struggled with the game, I can do it well enough.

From my experiences, this application is easy to use. We can use this app whenever and wherever we are. I recommend this app for everyone who wants to improve their language learning and play games at the same time because this app also has a lot of advantages. I really like this app, and I hope everyone can know this app too. 

Try Lyrics Training, and you will have so much fun. Believe me 😎

