
YouGlish is a web tool to improve our English pronunciation using YouTube. YouGlish is just a web tool, not an application, so you only can open it in a browser. YouGlish is not like another application or web tools because it used videos from YouTube to show the right pronunciation of words that you have searched. This web not only provides just one language, but also provides a lot of languages, such as French, Chinese, Arabic, and many more. This web also provides the phonetic of the words that you have searched. There are also some tips to improve our English pronunciation. I really like this web tool because it is the first time I found a web tool like this. I think this web is awesome because it can provide a lot of videos from YouTube based on the words that we search. Therefore, that is the feature that I like about this web tool. Overall there are no features that I do not like from this web tool. 

I think YouGlish has a lot of advantages for everyone, especially for students. This web tool can improve your English pronunciation. Not only English pronunciation but also a lot of languages that you can search in this web tool. It really helps us to know how the right pronunciation of a word, so we can speak it in the right way. It also has some tips for us to improve our English pronunciation. I think it is a rare advantage that has provided by a web tool or application. In addition, I did not find some drawbacks from this web tools because I had so much fun while using YouGlish. I also did not find any challenges while using this web tool.

From my experience, this web tool is very recommended for everyone. This web tool is easy to use and has a lot of advantages. I really like this app, and I hope they can make an application too. 

You must try YouGlish, I swear 😄
